Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Rant on Wednesday

A long time ago, there was a little rhyme that told you the days of the week and the chore (or chores) to be accomplished on that day.  I think it went something like, "Bake on Monday, mend on Tuesday, wash on Wednesday"...and of course I can't remember the rest.  After this past week, however, I am certain that ranting went right along with the washing.  It would take some serious motivation (or frustration) to wash all the clothes on an old scrub board, and let me tell you, I have it right now.  Maybe that's why I bake so much and still haven't gotten a mixer-I take it all out in the mixing and kneading.
So what am I all worked up about?  Here's the list:
I took the boys to the store with me to finish getting Halloween things and look at present ideas for Nadia.  They were pretty excited to come with me, until it was time to look for stuff for Miss N.  Brandon asked why couldn't we just get her a card and be done, because there were toys for boys to look at the next aisle over.  I almost told him that it was a great idea, and we'd do it for him, too, but he'd already had one meltdown in the store.
What was that from?  From me telling him I wasn't buying Caleb a Star Wars Clone costume for $20.  He was a little upset, and then decided that maybe it was okay if Caleb went as an elephant or pea pod instead.  Umm, no, those were all still $15 to $20, and why am I spending that on something Caleb will wear for MAYBE 3 hours one evening?  He has a pair of overalls, and pair that with a good plaid shirt and one of the dress up hats, we have a cute little farmer.  Apparently, this wasn't good enough, and thus was born the first meltdown.
Not to leave anyone out, I must confess that I also had a meltdown when I realized how much we were spending on Halloween.  Who knew that an angel, 2 ninjas and a farmer would be so spendy?  And time consuming?  Or am I just being the Grinch of Halloween since we just finished off paying the children's dental bill?
That of course left Ben being the only mature one of the group that evening.  So now I will tattle on him.  What is the deal with 3 year olds cuddling up to you when they are sick?  And then whispering in your ear, "My mouth is hot," just before the tidal wave bursts the dam?  Huh?  What did we ever do to you (besides the whole potty training debacle) to deserve that?  And why do they always always ALWAYS eat or drink something red right before they spew?  Fortunately, this time it was Cliff and not me.  Hey, I call it like I see it, babe, and I still had to clean up the whole mess, so we're at least even on this one.
Family Home Evening this week was a painful experience as well.  I thought we would talk about Moses freeing the Isrealites, and how when we do what the prophet says, we stay safe.  Unfortunately, I went way too far in the background story, and they lost attention until the Angel of Death came around.  Then we got all kinds of questions.
"So the blood was on the door or on the door frame?  'Cause that would be confusing if it was on the door."
"Does Jesus kill us if we don't obey?"
"Is there a real Angel of Death?  Does he still look around doors?"
"But if it's night, how does the Angel know if there's blood or not?"
I kid you not, these were all questions asked and then answered.  But not by me, because at that point, I was just trying to wrap it up and not kill any one after being either interrupted or ignored the entire lesson.  I will not stray from the Gospel Art Kit lesson again.
Well, I just heard the timer.  Time to take another loaf out and punch, er I mean put another loaf in the oven...

1 comment:

Jenny said...

Lol! Ask anyone that know me, they will tell you I'm the biggest Halloween Scrooge ever! I think we are skipping haloween this year. We are going out for a family movie and dinner! Wow, what I wouldn't give to be a fly on your wall during your home evenings. Keep treading strong girl.