Well, first on the list is the visit to Mammoth Cave. This occurred when Jenny and Beaner and their cute kids were here for Caleb's baby blessing. Yeah, that little tiny hole is the opening to the cave. Not named Mammoth Cave for it's size, let me tell you.
This is Braedon right inside the entrance to the cave. The kids hung out in this area quite a bit, especially after the flashlight batteries decided to die after the first 3 minutes. One of the reasons why you go for the name brands in batteries-life support machines have to run longer than 3 minutes.
This is why it's called Mammoth Cave. Apparently, some teenage Neolithic vandals kept telling their parents they were bored and there was nothing to do. The parents grounded them and to take up some time they drew animal pictures on the walls of the cave. Here's Clifford looking at one that says, "For a good time call..." WAIT A MINUTE!
Lol! So when I first looked at the top pic. I thought, "hey is that my car." Always read the fine print. Wow it has been a while since you've had your camera!
Did you see the name Chad in big white letters? Not that I would know who would do it...hum. I want Chad to take us to 20 hourse cave (or simething like that) at Wolvorine canyon.
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