Tuesday, January 5, 2010

The Twelve Tasks of Hercules

Some of the great Greek myths have to do with heroes and the challenges that they have been given by the gods or the ruler of the land they are in. These include the twelve tasks of Hercules, which demand either slaying monsters or capturing some sort of article that could be considered either treasure or sacred to one of the gods.
Did you know that originally, there were more tasks than that? But not being anything more than a great Greek hero, it was impossible for him to complete them. No, these tasks were left until the Greek gods and Karma came together last week and decided that there was nothing good on television. So they decided to bring them back out, and see if Sarah could perform these impossible and wondrous feats. Let me tell you what they were.
The Capture of the Golden Pearls of Urina-Benjamin has been sick. I mean, really sick, with a temp that was at 104 last night. Cliff took him in to Urgent Care while I stayed at home with the other two and tried to convince myself that Ben did not have either form of meningitis or something equally worse with only 24 hours to live. They ruled out most things, but wanted us to get a urine sample to make sure it wasn't a severe urinary tract infection.
Do you know how hard it is to convince a 2 year old who loves his diaper that he needs to give me a urine sample? You don't want to know how many tricks I tried, as well as my mother and Cliff. So while the diapers got fuller and fuller, the urine sample cup stayed depressingly empty.
On the positive side, this has really upped Ben's vocabulary and enunciation. Benjamin has become really quite good at telling me, "I don't like the toilet" and "I wanna go out of bathroom".
Finally, Clifford came home. We decided to just give up and tell the doctor we really had put out our best effort, even if Ben hadn't.
Then, miraculously, Clifford noticed something in the bottom of the bowl. Yes! It was! Sometime during the day, Ben had left us those precious golden drops in the little toilet, and there were enough for the sample!
Clifford took this treasure and the treasured 2 year old back to the doctor, who ruled out bladder and UT infections, and said Ben's white blood count was looking much better and that he'd probably be over the viral infection in a few days. VICTORY!!!
Other tasks yet to be completed but in the works:
The abduction of Payton: okay, not really abduct, but get to know. She is Brandon's girlfriend and pushes him on the swings at recess. It's cute, but being the paranoid mother that I am, I wonder if anything else is going on there.
The slaying of the Hormonally-Overloaded Monster of Pregnancia: Do you know how stupid I feel when I cry about inconsequential things? Like when my dog looks at me funny or I can't remember what page Nadia's piano lesson is? I don't know exactly when, but this monster is going DOWN.
The Labor of Caleb: should be happening any time, but I think he's going to continue to be a stinker and just keep giving me stop and go contractions until the doctor decides it's time to get him out. But like the slaying of the monster, it will happen. Caleb just doesn't know who he's up against yet.


Krista said...

You can do it becasue you rock. There should be a Greek Goddess names after you. Your blogs always make me smile. Hang in there, all will be well.

Michelle said...

We're glad to hear that Ben is going to be ok. Good luck with the baby, we hope for the best.

Jenny said...

If anyone can do this it's you! Always thinking of you guys. Good luck!

Eric and Tracey said...

You write the best posts I swear. Must be all those great books you read! :) I've missed seeing you lately! I hope Caleb makes him debut soon and that you get back your sciatic (sp?) nerves to yourself.