Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Holy Holiday Season, Batman!

Do you remember the old Batman series with Adam West? Where they would hit or punch the villains with a big POW! ZING! Like in the comics? Personally, my favorite was always the FWAP! Right now though, this is how the week has been feeling. I am starting to wonder if we will all need a vacation after this holiday vacation is over.
To start:
Christmas was great. We spent Christmas Eve at my parents house, where I realized too late that my pregnancy and their guest bed do not work together. I slept on the couch. But it was a great Christmas. I would show you pics, but my camera and photo sharing software are holding them hostage. ZAP!
December the 26th was also very eventful, but for different reasons. We were cleaning out kids rooms, and somehow the Smiling Terror (aka Benjamin) did a head dive off Nadia's bed. Straight onto the corner of the baseboard heater. He got up, looking a little dazed, and then the first gush of blood spurted out. Both of the older kids screamed bloody murder (not the best analogy, or is it?) and so Ben started screaming. Quick thinking Mom grabbed some kleenex which Dad slapped on Ben's head, and then tried to find a wash cloth. Ben went in to Urgent Care and got one stitch, and his puncture wound irrigated. He's just fine now, thank goodness. BANG!
Sunday looked as if it would be a break from all the drama. Alas, it was not to be. Around 7, I started having contractions. At 7:30, I started counting. At 8:30, I called the hospital to tell them my contractions were about every 5 minutes, and my son could still be breech. They said to come in. Good news: contractions slowed down around 3 am, Caleb is head down, and we may be having him early. Bad news: we are not prepared. No crib set up, no bags ready, no clean baby clothes washed and folded, etc. I think this may have been a practice run to tell us that we need to get it in gear. FWAP!
Tonight, we were getting ready to go to my parents' house for dinner after yesterday's excitement. While telling the children to get on coats, Cliff and I heard a loud pop/crash noise. It sounded like someone had burst a tire outside. Unfortunately, it was Uncle John. And it wasn't just his tire. It looks like someone side swiped his car, popped his tire, and did something to his rear axle. Hopefully the majority of it can be taken of before he has to go back to school in Provo next week. POW!
I know the holidays are supposed to be memorable, but I think this is a bit over the top. I would really appreciate a little quiet now. Let's see if we get it.


Krista said...

Oh no, that is terrible. I would be willing to come over and help you fold baby laundry or whatever needs to be done. Just call me okay! One day you will laugh, I am sure about the laughter part, just not on how soon it will be.

Jenny said...

Oh! The joys of the holidays when you are due to have a baby! Good luck, wish I was there to help.

Eric and Tracey said...

I'm sorry we weren't around to help you out!! Oh man!