Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Baby Caleb Is Upside Down

So. It's official. Little Caleb Carson Sharp has decided to follow the Sharp tradition of giving his mother grief before making his big debut.
What is it about the Sharp boys that they feel the need to cause their mothers drama? Isn't it enough that I get really bad morning sickness, lose the use of a leg from sciatic nerve pain, and have so many stretch marks that I look like a elevation map? Apparently, that's just not enough.
Today I had my 34 week appointment. That's right, folks, 6 weeks to go. I was starting to think that I might pull off a simple boy birth. But it may not be. Again.
Several weeks ago, Caleb decided I make a pretty good hammock, and was lying transverse. That felt really weird, with his head pushing on one side of my ribs and his legs kicking the other. He had stayed like that until today's appointment, when we discovered that he was heads up, like Brandon had been.
I have two thoughts to comfort and console me:
1. If he is still breech in 2 weeks, we will do an ultrasound and try to manually turn him. Right away, not 4 days before his due date, like my doctor tried with Brandon.
2. I will take a C-section over Bell's Palsy (temporary facial paralysis, and the drama I had with Ben) any day. Only now that I have publicly announced it, I will have both. Because that's the way my life works.


Krista said...

If you need ANYTHING, please let me know. I'm just a few houses away!

Jennie Brown Stephens said...

Ugh sarah, I had to get Jackson flipped, and Amelie. Jackson was 10 lbs 6 oz, and they flipped him I was bruised for 3 weeks, and sore for about a month. it was NASTY! But Amelie was only 6 lbs, and she was a piece of cake to flip! I sure hope you get that boy to flip!! I had to be induced with Amelie the day after they flipped her as well as jackson because they were scared they would flip back breech. Amelie did flip back breech while I was in labor with her, but just as we were starting to set u for a c section, I felt this WEIRD feeling, and she flipped!