Wednesday, May 19, 2010

The Carnage Continues

Sorry it's been so long since my last post. I am waiting for SOMEONE to finish up his turn with the camera, and he is just taking his own sweet time about it. So this will just have to be a regular old post without any pics to liven it up.

You remember how I told you about Nadia's used coupon book? Well, lucky me, there are coupons that go with it! I just got them! As I was looking through to see what kinds of wonderful little gifts awaited me, I noticed a theme: a coupon for cleaning her room, one for practicing piano, several for cleaning up after the dog outside. In other words, they sound exactly like her chores. Hmmm. On the positive side, she also wrote and sang a Mother's Day song for me. So now I know when she is a famous singer/songwriter, not to expect any fancy or expensive gifts. I'll probably get a coupon saying one of her people will be doing her chores instead.

Brandon has freckles on his nose, and they are ADORABLE. There would be a picture here to show you , but we already discussed this problem. And yes, his name is Cliff. Anyway, the summer really brings them out, along with little girls who think he is cute. I am just thankful that he doesn't understand why all the girls chase him during recess yet. And that he is a very fast runner.

Benjamin and I are having a hard time. He has a hard time deciding, and I have a hard time making time stand still while he is deciding. Yesterday, we went to the store to use the rest of his birthday money from Aunt Marlene. He told me he wanted a Gordon train that was smiling. Then he showed me the Gordon smile several times, while saying, "Yike dis, Mama, Gordon need smile yike dis." Once I get the camera back, I will take a picture and show you. We found the Gordon trains only to discover that while they were all smiling, they were all smiling the wrong smile. "No, Mama, not yike dat. Yike dis," and there was Ben's Gordon smile to compare it to. He was right, the two smiles weren't the same. So what did we do? We sat there for half an hour while Ben looked at other trains, and decided they weren't right, either. Thomas and Percy were in the running for less than a minute, but James was right out of competition. Not that I blame Ben for that, James is a little vain and smug for my taste. The rest of the time was spent just sitting there, I think in the hopes that the right Gordon with the right smile would come puffing by at any moment, and say, "Hi there, Benjamin! Sorry I'm late, but here I am! Buy me!" We finally had to leave, and exited the store with the wailing of, "I want my Gordon! I want my toy!" Walmart has very good acoustics, by the way.

There should be another picture right here to go with Caleb's little blurb, as well. He has just found his toes, and you need to see the look on his face when he is watching them. His smile keeps getting bigger and better every week, too.

Well, that was a pretty good recap of the last week or so. I will try to do better about updating and nagging Cliff, so there will be a few more posts on here. That's it for now!

1 comment:

Michelle said...

Taking kids to the store to pick a toy can definitely be a patience trying experience. That story sounds all to familiar.