I've been really bad with blogging lately, but you see, some of the things that've happened this last week just don't come with pictures. There's probably a fine or maybe even the possibility of taking away my blog, but this post I have no pics. I still really wanted to blog, though, because deep down somewhere I think people might actually read this anyway. Here's our pictureless week. By the way, this is the first confession. I feel guilty about no pics.
Our new dog Jewel is a Houdini. She has figured out how to open the sliding glass door when it isn't locked and lets herself and my mom's dog Sampson back into the house. I would love to show you how she does it, but we have yet to catch her in the act. She's done it twice-once on Saturday while Nadia and I were shoe shopping, and then yesterday during church. Either that or else we have a weirdo burglar who never steals anything and wants us to have a high heating bill. I prefer the first theory. Less creepy. Now we just need to see if Jewel can learn how to drive Nadia to school in the morning so I can sleep in... I am only half joking about the dog driving Nadia to school. I have never been a morning person. So this is the half confession.
Nadia and I went shoe shopping on Saturday. She and I have been butting heads a lot lately, and Cliff and I thought maybe some mommy daughter time would snap her out of it. Okay, Cliff thought that. My idea was never let her out of her room until she's thirty and has outgrown the diva attitude. Nadia is just like me, so we really know how to push each other's buttons, but we also share a shoe fetish almost bordering on idolatry. We went to Shoe Carnival, and I told Nadia that we were going to find some FUN shoes for her. We could take as long as we wanted and she could choose whatever she wanted. Sounds like a great girl day, right? Well, it went South pretty quickly. She decided she wanted shiny black high heels, and I was okay with it. She tried on several pairs of shiny black flats and heels that would have been great Sunday shoes and found the pair she wanted. I thought great, we've bonded over shoes, had a good time, now it's Mommy's turn to have some fun. Hey, they were having buy one get one 1/2 off, so we HAD to get another pair anyway. I know you understand. Anyway. We find a pair she really likes, and then she says to me, "These will be great on the playground!" Woah. Where did she get the idea shiny fun shoes are for school? I know I am Mrs. Anal Mom USA but I tried to explain to her that these are not good school shoes, because they have a heel and NO TRACTION, and she starts whining and throwing a fit. I also hear Cliff's voice telling me how fun this is going to be, the two girls who love shoes going shoe shopping, and let me tell you it's a good thing he wasn't there or else paramedics would have been called. I don't know how I did it, but we somehow got it worked out what fun shoes were and what school shoes were, and she could have whatever she wanted as long as they were used for that purpose. A little over an hour later, we were done at the store. What shoes did Nadia get? What shoes did Sarah get? Hey, this is a confession, not a shoe show. Maybe next time. Third confession. I have been lax in giving my daughter her shoe education.
This is the last confession and the most damaging. I am addicted to Facebook. Not the actual finding friends and keeping in contact with people, but those stupid, time consuming Facebook games. I play Mob Wars, Knighthood, and have a virtual pet. Totally useless games that steal away my time and keep me from doing real things like cleaning the toilet or reading a good book. Okay, so we all know I really wouldn't clean the toilet anyway if I had the extra time. I hate cleaning the bathroom. But I also hate how on my way home from work I start thinking, "Oh no! I forgot to clean my chicken (my virtual pet) this morning! He's going to be FILTHY!"
There you have it.