Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Bad Day


Today I went to the doctor to make it official that I am having a miscarriage. They did the measurements and everything to check on the fetus, and it didn't make it past 6 1/2 weeks. It was hard for them to find anything at all in there, so it was probably an abnormal pregnancy. There were also striations (?) or bands in the placental sac that were a VERY bad sign and very rare. The bands act like fishing net or elastic bands and can strangle or cut off limbs. I will most likely never see it again in my lifetime, let alone any future pregnancies, I was told.
So it is actually a blessing that it is happening. A bit of a sad blessing, but let's face it; I KNOW it could have been a lot worse. This time it's more of just a disappointment instead of feeling devastated, and I am very grateful for that.


Michelle said...

Oh Sarah, I am so sorry. That is horrible news. Twice in a row, I can imagine that must be really hard. God bless. You are in our prayers.

Krista said...

I'm sorry. I didn't know you were expecting. Would you like some chocolate chip cookies?

Jenny said...

You're an amazing person for looking at the bright side of things. You guys need to get away again. Come party with us! We wish you all the best. If you need anything(just to talk), you know my number. We love you guys.

Jennie Brown Stephens said...

OH sarah.... I am so sorry. I know how you feel... and even though yu feel blessed that it happened earlier than later, it doesnt help ease the pain of such a sad loss. You amaze me with your strength. I am always a blubbering mess when I have had misscarriages...... but it makes me want to hug and love on my kids more and more!