Tuesday, January 20, 2009

These Are a Few of My Favorite Things

Benjamin has a new word in his vocabulary. It is "Aha!" I think it means yes or that you have done well. Like when he is offered a banana at breakfast. "Aha!" Or when he runs into my parents' bedroom after my dad has come home and starts to point to the bag of gummy worms on the dresser. Dad will pick them up and, "Aha!" The best is when he talks to you in Klingon and you've actually figured out that he's told you he wants a bath or to play the Wii. "Aha!"

Brandon has been surprising me lately with more hugs. I love hugs. He will come sit by me and give me one in the middle of a movie or when I am reading. He also has taught Benjamin to roar like a dinosaur. I like hearing the two of them roaring together and that it's not a loud roar, so they can do it all they want.

I also am surprised with Nadia. She is such a great reader and a smart girl. She has also been really patient with the boys lately, and helps them out when they need it. She really is a good girl and big sister.

Maybe they need to have some ice cream tonight for being three of my favorite people.


Krista said...

Go to Leatherby's. It's wonderful!

Jenny said...

Sounds like a great day. Kids are a such an awesome gift.

Jennie Brown Stephens said...

AHA! Thats Porter's favorite word too! Along with GO GO GO!!!!!!!! Oh.. Kyle is having a reception down here in utah. Its ON valentines day! In Spanish Fork. he is getting married in the SL temple