Thursday, September 9, 2010

Disgusted and Amazed

Benjamin is potty trained.  I am not disgusted by this in the least, but the story of how it happened is way up there. 
You see, I have been working with him for a long time.  I mean a LONG long longlonglong time.  And the boy has the knack.  It is not a good thing.  I would sit him down, wait with him for something to happen, and within 5 minutes, something would indeed occur.  Unfortunately, it wasn't anything to do with the toilet.  It was always some one else who needed my attention, and so I had to go help.  Or answer the door or let the dog out or you get my point. 
Those three minutes when I had to grab Nadia a towel because she forgot one, or Brandon couldn't find any pants, or I was telling some one I really wasn't interested in weed prevention for my lawn unless it included a potty training program, were the three minutes he would jump off the porcelain (or, in this case, plastic Froggy) throne and make a run for it to do his business somewhere else. 
On Saturday, Cliff was home.  He saw that there was a need to go and sit with his son in the bathroom.  So, he did.  And something miraculous and absolutely mind blowing happened.  In the toilet. 
I asked him later what he had promised the Smiling Terror in return for keeping his pants clean.  World Peace?  A million dollars?  Pie? 
He shrugged and replied, "I saw that he wanted to get off, and just told him it would be fun if he stayed on the toilet and finished."  Benjamin stayed on and has now joined the potty trained club.  Absolutely disgusting.  And amazing.