Monday, December 1, 2008

Oh Tannenbaum

I was thinking about doing a post about Thanksgiving, but like Prince Humperdink in Princess Bride, thought it better to just skip to the end and so this blog is about Christmas. Here is our tree after the children put on the unbreakable ornaments. I love to see how high on the tree they are getting every year. It's also funny to see how they clump them together because they like to work together and see what the other is putting up next on the tree. Benjamin was too busy to help put on ornaments because he was busy with a call on the cell phone.
On the way home from Thanksgiving in Cache Valley, Brandon asked when we would set up the Christmas tree. No. he's really not that happy about helping set it up and putting on ornaments. As some weird mystic might say, there was a question behind this question of the Christmas tree. You see, if we put up the tree, that means his big train gets to come out, too. Brandon loves this train with almost as much passion as I love shoes. It is a tragedy when it has to go back in the box in January.
Brandon is very loving and actually lets Nadia have a turn with the "Polar Express" every so often. Benjamin just loves watching it go and will leave it alone. We put the presents inside the track, after I give up on that stupid tree skirt. Every year after the train is set up, I get the question of why can't we just have the train up all the time. He asked again today. Hmm, maybe because it's too big and I like having the couch in the living room. But then, maybe I don't have the right priorities for toys and furniture.

1 comment:

Krista said...

I love your tree. Do you leave it as is or re-decorate when they are in bed? I don't even know how to spell Tannenbaum. You alw3ays make me smile when I read your post.